How Do Admissions Officers Fact Check Your Resume Or Application?

How Do Admissions Officers Fact Check Your Resume Or Application?

How Do Admissions Officers Fact Check Your Resume Or Application?

In the US, colleges consider your grade transcripts and test scores, as well as your essay, extracurricular activities, recommendations, and demonstrated interest to create a comprehensive picture of you.

College admissions officers rarely fact check applications, but they may contact your high school counselor if they suspect that you have falsified something on the form. Even if they do find something amiss, there are steps you can take to ensure it doesn’t be used against you in any way.

1. Review Your Transcripts

When admissions officers review your resume or application, you’ll need to be ready with a comprehensive explanation for any disputed facts. That could involve reaching out to the source of an inaccurate claim in order to confirm it; or reviewing transcripts to check for misquotations. Furthermore, be able to explain accurately how and why these details came about in writing.

Start by annotating your draft with a comprehensive list of sources for all facts in the piece, including not just personal sources but others as well: interview transcripts, journal articles and email correspondence from experts. Ideally, this list includes back-up materials that support your claims such as government data or reports from think tanks. Experienced fact-checkers will know how best to cite these sources correctly; so ask them for assistance whenever needed.

2. Review Your Test Scores

Many students worry excessively about their test scores, hoping that a perfect score will guarantee them acceptance to their top choices schools. Although test scores are important factors in admissions decisions, they aren’t the only factor considered when reviewing applications.

At the University of California system, admissions officers fact check every application to guarantee applicants’ academic accomplishments meet the university’s academic standards. The system has a zero-tolerance policy for false claims, canceling applications if an applicant is found to have lied on their application. When they uncover a student who has misrepresented their accomplishments, colleges usually rely on government data or an independent think tank’s report. Unfortunately, the University of California system only conducts fact checks on about 99% of applications it receives. Due to the myriad factors that go into admission decisions, fact checking all applicants would be virtually impossible. Furthermore, doing so would be a waste of resources and could result in fewer students being accepted.

3. Review Your Extracurriculars

Admissions officers pay close attention to the extracurricular activities you include on your college application as a significant element of your story. They want to see how these activities allowed you to pursue passions, gain valuable experiences, deepen knowledge in an academic area of interest or demonstrate leadership abilities.

Participating in a sports team, an arts group or religious organization makes you an invaluable contributor to your community. Furthermore, taking on an internship or volunteering as part of extracurricular activities can add value to your application.

It is also essential to note that many high school students don’t consider their work experiences extracurriculars, yet they can be highly impressive to admissions committees. Inclusion of a job on your college application demonstrates your dedication and commitment to the workplace.

When selecting which extracurriculars to include on your application, select those that reflect your interests and abilities. Doing this will make you stand out from other applicants and demonstrate to colleges that you’re passionate about personal growth and development.

Colleges place far greater value on your extracurricular activities than just how many are listed on your application. So before you rush in to sign up for every club, participate in every sport, babysit or start a part-time job, take a step back and consider if it’s really necessary.

Instead, opt for activities that demonstrate your dedication, focus and leadership qualities – these are the traits most college admissions panels look for when reviewing applications. If you’re unsure how to go about selecting appropriate extracurriculars for your application, take a look at our guide on selecting high school extracurriculars for guidance.

4. Review Your Resume

A resume is a document that showcases your qualifications to potential employers. But an effective resume doesn’t just showcase what you have achieved in the past – it also conveys how your skills and experience can benefit their organization.

Your resume must clearly and succinctly express your qualifications in a format that’s easy to comprehend. This approach, known as business format, is the same style utilized by most employers during the hiring process.

Prior to submitting your resume, it’s essential to do a quick fact check of all pertinent information. This includes verifying the date of your degree, educational level, number of times fired from positions and other details that could help prevent making false claims on your CV.

Compare the information on your resume against that of other applicants who fit your job description. Look for any gaps in employment history and take note of how many jobs you’ve held recently.

If you discover a significant gap in your job history, include it in your cover letter to ensure the problem is addressed and avoid being caught off-guard during subsequent interviews.

Before sending in your resume for review, get professional feedback from a career coach or recruiter. These professionals can assist in crafting an impressive resume that highlights all of your best qualities while concealing nothing. They may also guide you towards selecting the appropriate resume formats and writing styles tailored towards your particular career path.

5. Review Your Social Media Profiles

College admissions officers have long checked applicants’ transcripts, test scores and extracurricular activities; however, a recent Kaplan Test Prep survey indicates that 35% of admissions officers “often” look into students’ social media accounts–down from 40% in 2015 but significantly up from 10% in 2008.

Some college admissions offices use social media as a tool to personalize their decisions about students and get to know them better before making admission decisions. According to David Hesser, vice president of enrollment management and student experience at the University of Richmond, his school takes into account a student’s social media posts when considering whether to admit them.

Hesser recalls cases where students have been denied admission based on comments or pictures posted to their social media accounts. One case involved a Singaporean student who posted a photo of herself drinking from a lake, which at that time violated US law.

In some instances, social media has been an asset to an applicant’s application. If their hobby or interest demonstrates character or maturity, it can help them stand out from the competition.

Therefore, it’s essential that your social media is kept clean and professional at all times; any posts which could negatively affect your application should be deleted immediately. Be particularly wary of posting anything offensive or derogatory such as hateful messages or swastikas.

In addition to deleting offensive posts, you should also take down any pictures or videos that aren’t suitable for public consumption. This includes anything showing drinking, smoking, engaging in illegal activities or showing off your body – any of which could be considered discriminatory by admissions officers.

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